What's the best application for a website?

You are about to launch your new business or you haven’t touched your existing website for many years and you are faced with the question; Believe me, everyone goes thru this, even me!
Here is my story: I started building and collaborating in designing websites since 1999. Those days were simple, few options available, so we just stuck to HTML using Dreamweaver and sometimes Flash.
Fast forward to about 2010, I started collaborating with PHP and ASP developers and then one day, I discovered WordPress, and for about 8 years now, I have been a big fan. Even after I started messing around with Drupal, I still thought WordPress is best.
Of course, being a technical person I got to understand the ins and outs pretty well. Learning about the pros and cons of each application take years and with it came trial and error, success and failure.
Fast forward to 2018, I once again was faced with the same age old dilemma of what technology/app to use to give my website a facelift. And guess what, WordPress was not the choice I went with on this occasion. Mainly because I grew frustrated at how slow it has become, with each new major release, WordPress is slowing down. I know there are many tricks I can apply to speed up the site, but the amount of work and effort needed to get the speed was not worth it, from my perspective. So I opted to go back to HTML, especially because my website is very simple: I only have a few pages of static text / images and a contact form.
In conclusion, to decide what application is right for you, first you must identify [sc_fs_faq1 html=”false” headline=”p” img=”” question=”what purpose is my website is going to serve?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]Websites have a variety of purposes. They can be for just showing basic info about yourself or your company. You may want to sell services of products online…[/sc_fs_faq1] Is it just basic info? Are you selling products? Do you want it to be personalised for each visitor? You relay this information to an expert web developer and they should be able to come up with the right application, that serves the purpose.
Here is a quick summary as to how I see the most common web applications used:
The most popular content management system. This application is used to build all types of websites. From a one man show to a corporation. Built in the right way and optimized correctly, WordPress can work across the board.
Suitable for medium to large scale websites that are updated very frequently. Online news portal, membership portal, universities.
Shopify / Magento
Excellent for selling your products online and reaching a wide audience. This platforms come packed with all the tools needed to reach customers globally. You just need to customise it to suit your brand.
Basic websites with few pages that rarely get updated. One of two functionalities like a contact form or newsletter signup.
There are indeed hundreds of other CMS applications, using different programming languages from .ASP, PHP, to JS and others. Very good options for highly customsied projects,
As a non-technical person, all you want is a website that uses reliable technology, with up-to-date design, works well on mobile devices, cost-effective and maintained by competent person.
We understand that, and we are here to help you achieve this goal. Talk to us today for a free consultation